My Life Journey: From Barcelona to Sweden

Leaving your home country and venturing into the unknown is a challenge that can arouse both fear and excitement in the heart. For me, this journey began when, after completing my education at the University of Barcelona, ​​I was given the opportunity to spend a month in Stockholm thanks to a scholarship. What was intended as a short stay quickly became the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

During my time in Stockholm, I crossed paths with a man who would change my plans and my life forever. We fell for each other and I decided to stay in Sweden, far away from my roots in Barcelona. It was a big step to take, but it turned out to be a decision I have never regretted.

We began to build our life here in Sweden and after a while we were blessed with three wonderful children. But even though love and family were a strong driving force, I couldn’t help but feel like a stranger in a new world. The differences between the Spanish and Swedish cultures were clear and sometimes difficult to deal with. I encountered culture shocks that made me question my own identity and values.

One of the biggest challenges for me was the language. Not being able to communicate freely and confidently was frustrating and isolating. But by dealing with the situation and going through difficult and sometimes embarrassing moments, I started to learn Swedish. It was a long and sometimes painful process, but over time I felt more and more comfortable with the language.

Today, I can proudly say that Swedish is a part of me. I can navigate everyday life, participate in society and build relationships in my second language. My journey from Barcelona to Sweden has been a rollercoaster of emotions and challenges, but I have never regretted my decision to follow my heart.

My story is just one of many that shows how we can overcome obstacles and grow as individuals when we dare to step outside our comfort zone. Moving to another country is not easy, but it is an experience that can enrich our lives and open doors to new opportunities and experiences. I am eternally grateful for the journey I have made and look forward to what the future holds.

Welcome to my blog where I share my thoughts, experiences and lessons learned from my life journey. Thank you for joining me on this journey!



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